Greetings, children. For many moons I've longed for the funds to open my very own heavy metal disco, which would play only (danceable) heavy metal and disco music. It would be called Gothenpop, or possibly Cruel Summer. HOWEVER I am poor, so I'll have to content myself with creating playlists for the magical day when the doors to the disco open.
Reach Out--Conception (Flow): This track from Conception's last album wraps lyrical atheism in a big, fat beat, inviting you to bang your head and maybe shake your ass too.
War Pigs--The Dresden Dolls (live): Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione stir shit up with their excellent cabaret-punk cover of a heavy metal staple. If you really love "War Pigs," try out the Cardigans' sweet, low-key cover as well.
The Hand That Feeds--Nine Inch Nails (With Teeth): Ahhh, high school; the first time I hear this song in my sister's car, I exclaimed, Gosh, you could dance to this! It's still true.
Blood--Priestess (Hello Master): A vampire storyline and head-bopping bass, who could ask for anything more?
Kerosene--Big Black (Atomizer): Steve Albini might disagree (he usually does), but this track about combining sex and combustibles is downright catchy.