Why review comic book authors the traditional way when you can just say who you'd marry, fuck, and kill? I mean really.
To that end:
Marry: Greg Rucka. How do I love Greg Rucka? Let me count the ways. They are Renee Montoya, Kate Kane, Wonder Woman, Stumptown, Lady Sabre. Greg Rucka is flawless. I have never read anything of his that didn't leave me salivating. Marry me, Greg Rucka!
Shag: Grant Morrison. I suppose "hate-fuck" would be more accurate; I like Morrison's writing and I think his bald head and Glaswegian accent are pretty foxy, but he seems like kind of a tool, so I'm content with an every-so-often fantasy wherein I run into him in a bar in London, we argue about whether superhero comics should strive for realism, and then go out into the alley for a quickie.
Cliff: You thought I was going to put Geoff Johns here, didn't you? PSYCH! It's Mark Millar.
Marry, Shag, Cliff: The Comic Book Writer Edition
Wednesday, July 27, 2011Posted by Diana at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: comics are for children, ridiculously hot people, things that will never happen, unholy
Boring fantasies (and a not-so-boring one)
Thursday, July 7, 2011Posted by Diana at 5:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: ridiculously hot people, things that will never happen
Nerd Travel Guides: Geeking Out In...Tampa Bay
Friday, July 1, 2011

Posted by Diana at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: nerdy shit, tampa bay, travel guides
Let me just curl up inside your production department, Sky
Monday, June 13, 2011Here's the trailer for Sky Movies' Neverland, a prequel to Peter Pan starring Rhys Ifans, Anna Friel, Bob Hoskins and Keira Knightley as Tinkerbell. This may be the only time I will like Tinkerbell.
Just on the basis of this and The Runaway earlier this year I'm going to declare myself a fan of the Sky family of channels.
Posted by Laura at 3:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: movies, television, trailers, uk television
Coming soon to a theatre near you
Friday, May 27, 2011
Posted by Diana at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: bastardizations of great works of art, movies, unholy
Songs from the heavy metal disco
Thursday, May 5, 2011The Hand That Feeds--Nine Inch Nails (With Teeth): Ahhh, high school; the first time I hear this song in my sister's car, I exclaimed, Gosh, you could dance to this! It's still true.
Blood--Priestess (Hello Master): A vampire storyline and head-bopping bass, who could ask for anything more?
Kerosene--Big Black (Atomizer): Steve Albini might disagree (he usually does), but this track about combining sex and combustibles is downright catchy.
Bye Bye Beautiful by Nightwish is for some reason unembeddable--follow the link for power metal happiness.
Tres Brujas--The Sword (Warp Riders): The cyborg's club song.
Go With the Flow--Queens of the Stone Age (Songs for the Deaf): Among the most danceable songs about the break-up of a relationship.
And there you have it, dear ones: all the poppy headbanging you could ever want.
Posted by Diana at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: bang your head, playing dj, tunes
If ever you'd meet me, you wouldn't forget me
Monday, April 25, 2011
Posted by Diana at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: ridiculously hot people, strange uses for hobbits, teevee